The Elder Advice Network
To contact the Elder Advice Network
For Families and Individuals Needing Personalized Advice Regarding:
Medicaid Planning Elder Law
Nursing Care Options
Estate Planning
Conservation of Assets
Long Term Care Insurance Protection
The Elder Advice Network was created to provide personalized assistance to people needing help with matters of the aging. While there is some general advice on this web site, we strongly recommend that you contact us to discuss your individual situation. There is no charge for this consultation or the phone call.

Why do we make this recommendation? Because the laws are constantly changing regarding Medicaid and Medicare requirements, estate conservation, taxes, and nursing care options.

What worked for your neighbor or distant relative may be the worst possible option for you. Each state is different. Each year is different. What might have worked for your friend in Michigan will probably not work for you if you reside in Pennsylvania.

Just as one plan does not work for every person, one advisor can not help you with all of your needs. Thus, the reason for the establishment of the Elder Advice Network.

The Elder Advice Network is a group of Elder Law Attorneys, Geriatric Care Managers, Insurance Consultants, and Social Workers who are experts in their fields. The recommendations that you receive will relate directly to your individual situation.

Feel free to browse the web site and then call us with any questions you might have regarding your personal situation. There is no charge for this service.

You may contact The Elder Advice Network to obtain information or a referral to the professional who can best address your needs regarding:

Elder Law
Medicaid Planning and application
Choosing Appropriate Insurance Coverage
Financial Planning and Gifting
Power of Attorney, Trusts, Probate, or Estate Taxes
Finding the appropriate assisted living or nursing homes
Social Services Programs Available
Geriatric Care Managers
Contact Information Top of Page
Articles from our newsletters
Free Books, usefull phone numbers and lists
Other Areas of Interest
If I have an attorney, do I need an Elder Law attorney?
Power of Attorney - What is it?
What is Geriatric Care Management?
Typical situations for which we have been able to provide pertinent and useful information
What types of insurance plans and policies are available, which ones do I need, and why?
What do we need to do to conserve the assets of our estate if a nursing home stay is required?
You May Obtain Additional Information with regard to Elder Law, Medicaid and Estate Planning At Attorney
John B. Payne's
Web Site.

Attorney Payne is a member of "The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys."